After Chris's parents left on Sunday we spent the morning just playing around the house. Avery liked the earrings that Grandma Crook got me so she had to wear hers. In the afternoon Chris wanted to go swimming so we went up to the Dresden Pool. Jack got to wear his new bathing suit, too cute.
Avery and her dog, she loves Rosie!
Avery has taken more and more of an interest in Jack, here she is playing with him. He loves to watch her and she loves to tell him things that she is doing.
On Monday Avery started swim lesson down the street. There are five other kids her age and younger in the class. I'm in the water with her and the teacher encourages her to practice kicking and "digging" with her arms. He also makes her go under the water, which at first she didn't like but is getting much better. Well today at the end of class the teacher asked her if she wanted to jump off the diving board and she said okay (I think she just wanted him to let go of her and would of done anything if she thought he would give her back to me sooner). So he waited at the bottom of the board and she jumped off into his arms (twice). I was much more scared than she let on, she did a great job. We will try and get pictures soon.
We had a great weekend playing with Grandma and Grandpa Crook who came for a visit. It was good to see them and the kids had lots of fun playing with their grandparents
Grandma Crook brought dress-up jewelry for her and Avery. Avery kept referring to it as her "special jewels".
To celebrate father's day we had my dad and brother over on Saturday for a cookout. The kids had fun playing on the playground and in the pool.
On Saturday morning I put Jack on his belly for some belly time when suddenly he rolled over. I was a little hesitant with my excitement this time so I called Chris from the basement for a witness and tried again, and he rolled over again. Now I was excited, I told Chris to run and get the camera and we tried a third time and he did, this time we caught it on camera!
For all those who know Jack you know how appropriate this outfit can be at times. Although his colick is going away he is a very opinionated boy who LOVES his mommy.
A few weeks ago we moved Jack into his crib. He was growing out of his bassinet and since he was the fifth baby to use it, the bassinet has seen better days.
I got the Jumperoo out for Jack last night and he really seems to like it. He jumps around and watches everyone around him. He loves to watch his sister who is always moving!
On Saturday Audrey and Henry turned two and we celebrated at there house. Avery was so excited to were her "party dress" that she got from Grammie for going on the potty (she loves to wear dresses). The kids had fun playing and eating cupcakes that Aunt Shannon made.
On Friday Avery went and very excitedly spent the night at grammie and grandpa's house which left mommy and daddy a night home to hang out with Jack. Well right in the middle of dinner Jack decided pass out on daddy. Doesn't he seem content, I wish I had it so hard.