Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Birth Day

On Wednesday, March 11 I was sitting in the office doing some computer work when Megan called. "How about tomorrow!" She said. I spent the next few minutes filling out paper work for an extended time off, and then went home for Avery's last night as an only child. Jack was coming, a bit before schedule, but more or less right on time.

Avery looking through opera glasses while stopped at light on the way to grandpa's, where she would spend the next few days while we were in the hospital. We expected a bit of drama, but she was nonchalant about it, and it was probably more emotional for us to watch her wave from the window.

Megan getting ready for the big event. We were supposed to be there at 9- we were there at 8:30. We waited and waited, and both fell asleep. We heard the doctor in the hall at noon, and gave up hope that Jack would be born at 12:08 like Avery was. Around quarter past the nurse came and wheeled Megan away, and led me to the father chair.

The father chair is where future dads sit while waiting for the wives to be prepped for surgery. It is the lonliest spot in the hospital. Voice can be heard down the hall, but very little can be seen.

The view from the father's chair.
Eventually they came and got me, and we got down to business. There was a commotion about suction, and then we heard a cry. A minute later a purple and screaming bundle of joy was brought around the curtain for a quick look.

After being cleaned up, the nurse did everything in her power to avoid me being able to hold Jack first. I followed her around the room when she brought him to see his mother for the first time. Then an hour in recovery, and then to our room. Jack was taken for a bath a while later, and I got a nice picture of him clean and enjoying the heat lamp.

Avery came to visit a little while later, with grandma and grandpa. She was a bit freaked out by the hospital, and was at first focused on drinking Megan's water.

Meeting baby Jack.

Then she opened a present, and was fine for a while. She was ready to go pretty quickly though.

The first night was at times rough. Jack was good, but every time we got a stretch of time to sleep, Megan's IV machine started beeping, or a nurse came to check on someone. It was a long night, but joyous. More to come.


  1. He is just adorable. I can't get enough. So what was the final name decision. Did you decide not to go with Jack Owen? Best wishes!!

  2. I love the detailed discription. Just like being there. Thanks - Mom
