Sunday, July 19, 2009


This first picture is of a leek that we have been growing in our garden for the past two years. It started off so small and we finally pulled it to enjoy on a pizza we love to make. Avery loves to garden with daddy, her carrots should be ready soon!

This next picture is one that Chris took on one of their walks at the park downtown. I think it's funny.

Last, we have been letting Jack "cry it out" at night for the past two night so we had Avery sleepover at Grammie and Grandpa's house so the screaming would not wake her. The one night we were dropping her off and she was so persistent that she didn't need us to walk her in, she could do it herself. She grabbed the bag and the snack she brought to share with Grammie and headed up the stairs. She gave us our kisses and that was that, "see you tomorrow" she said.

For all those that are curious so far so good with the crying it out. Jack was waking up every half hour to every hour the past few weeks and last night he cried for maybe 5 mins and then sleep 6 hours. Woke up to eat and get his diaper changed and went back to sleep for another 5 hours. It was so nice not to be running up and down the stairs!

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