Avery celebrated her third birthday last weekend. We started the weekend with a large box of presents sent from her grandparents in Arizona and as you can see she was very excited and so was Jack (he liked helping and the box). Then on Saturday Avery came down stairs to find a pile of presents and a new bike (thank you great-grandpa). She really liked the bike and sat on it most of the day. Lucky for us the bike has a bell that she also rang ALL DAY LONG! The other present that she seemed to really enjoy was a Cinderella dress that we bought her. She wore it on Saturday, Sunday and Monday (I finally demanded to wash it) On Sunday was her party. This year after much thought she decided on a princess party. When she woke up from her nap she came down stairs and found the house decorated and my cake that I made her, a castle cake to go with the princess theme. She had lots of fun at her party playing with all her friends and family!
Love the cake! You did a good job!