Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Today both Jack and I had a very important milestone, Jack took his first bath without crying and I turned 30!

At two months Jack weighes 13 pounds and 13 oz.


  1. Happy Birthday! (and congrats to Jack too!) Thanks again so much for letting me use your clothes. I can't wait to have my little baby girl. See ya soon! (p.s. you have my favorite antonio in you class. he came today.)

  2. megan - i need your cell number or home number. i don't have it any more. i had to get a new phone. I want to tell you happy birthday! I hope you had a good day! call me soon

  3. megan -that above post with cac1360 is me christy baylor

  4. Happy Belated Birthday Megan! Jack is sure growing. He is such a dollbaby. Boys NEVER like baths...just wait til he is a teenager...LOL
